Dr. David Soglin

Dr. David Soglin

Dr. David Soglin


Dr. Soglin is currently a Senior Advisor with Conlon Public Strategies (CPS), an organization that helps nonprofits achieve a diverse range of goals – making their organizations and communities stronger and better.  Prior to joining CPS, Dr. Soglin was the Chief Medical Officer at La Rabida Children’s Hospital for six years. In that role he was responsible for the overall medical care delivered by physicians at La Rabida, a health-care system devoted to children with chronic conditions, disabilities and those who are dependent on medical technology. He was previously chair of the Department of Pediatrics at Cook County Health and Hospital Systems from 2002-2015, serving as director of the Pediatric Emergency Department and Pediatric Residency Program from 1994 – 2002. In addition to his medical degree Dr. Soglin has his Master’s degree in Health Professions Education.

His clinical background is in Pediatric Emergency Medicine, but his professional career has been focused on improving health and health care access for under-served children in the Chicago-land area. He serves on a number of voluntary boards including the Illinois Chapter–American Academy of Pediatrics, the Namaste Medical Fund, the Moran Center for Youth Advocacy and the Clinical Advisory Committee for BOUNCE.

As a founding member of the Partnership for Resilience, Dr. Soglin has been very active within the educational community in bringing awareness to the issues of toxic stress, childhood trauma, and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and their impact on childhood health and education.

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