What is a Children’s Cabinet?
A Children’s Cabinet is where leaders and organizers within a specific area purposefully collaborate to evaluate and understand the specific needs of the children and families within their community. With this knowledge in hand, they then explore resources to meet those identified needs to create a Children’s Cabinet. The ultimate goal is to provide a single place where families can get coordinated access to a variety of services they need versus having to reach out to each individually. Healthy communities lead to healthy children.
P4R’s work is supported through our involvement with the Harvard Graduate School of Education ReDesign Lab. Through participation in a community of practice, P4R and several of our partnering school districts in Southern Illinois have been involved in extensive foundational work which resulted in the standing up of two children’s cabinets:
The Carbondale Community Cabinet for Community and Youth & Johnson County Cabinet for Children & Youth.

Stay tuned to this page to follow P4R on our journey towards standing up a Southland Children’s Cabinet.
Visit Harvard Graduate School of Education’s website to learn more about why Children’s Cabinets matter: The Urgent Need for Children’s Cabinets | Harvard Graduate School of Education