Bite-Size PD: Harnessing Youth Voice to Inform Tiered Interventions


Feb 28 2024


3:45 pm - 5:15 pm

Bite-Size PD: Harnessing Youth Voice to Inform Tiered Interventions

  • Presented by Fausto Lopez and Jessica Juarez with Praxis Institute
  • Description: This professional learning session provides educators with the theory and practical approaches for harnessing youth voice in the development, implementation, and evaluation of tiered student supports and interventions. Participants will explore strategies to authentically engage and empower youth, leveraging their perspectives to create more impactful and responsive intervention frameworks that cater to diverse student needs. Through collaborative discussions and practical activities, attendees will gain actionable insights to bolster their practices and foster a more inclusive and supportive educational environment. The session will focus on cross-cutting topics including the integration of youth development principles (e.g., youth voice and choice) through developmental relationships, positive learning conditions (e.g., school culture and climate), and optimizing multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) through SEL and Restorative Practices.
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